“Imagine being able to rapidly scale sweeping new developments
from small-scale prototypes to wide-scale industrial adoption.
Imagine an industrial software factory building applications
that support your core business and enable innovation.
And imagine those applications to seamlessly evolve,
to be secure, transparent, traceable, and truly sustainable.”
software barriers

NSX believes that software evolvability, being able to cope with changes, is absolutely pivotal to control today’s rising maintenance costs. It’s also crucial for business agility, as organizations need to rapidly scale up new innovative developments and to respond quickly to changing business needs.
While most software is prone to so-called combinatorial effects, ripple effects propagating changes through the entire structure, NSX software is based on the Normalized Systems Theory, and guarantees that a bounded set of changes has a bounded impact on the system.
Software development tools are striving to increase productivity, similar to the industrialization in other sectors. But industrial manufacturing is not only about short-term productivity, it is also about transparency, traceability, and maintenance.
The NSX Expanders are not just code-generators that increase development productivity. They consist of highly structured bundles of individual expanders that are simple by design. This avoids the increase in complexity over time of both generated code and code generators, leading to transparency and traceability, and avoiding runaway maintenance costs.
Information systems reside in IT landscapes, and need to integrate with countless other applications and services, both within and outside the enterprise.
While integration issues are notorious in IT projects, NS software structures have been conceived and built from the start to enable seamless integration. The NS skeletons exhibit embedded support for integrating various types of cloud platforms and services, IoT devices and protocols, and CI/CD pipelines across different organizations.
The NSX Expanders generate software skeletons that exhibit stability with respect to changes. However, the skeletons themselves may need to improve over time, and it might become necessary to replace the external frameworks they connect to.
Therefore, the NSX development platform provides the ability to continuously regenerate the skeletons. By harvesting the custom code, re-generating the skeletons, and re-injecting the custom code, software applications can be rejuvenated on a regular basis. In this way, NS applications do not age, and application skeletons stay forever young.