— Customer case
Business Drivers
The goal of the monitoring systems is to provide affordable, robust, and scalable energy monitoring for residential photovoltaic systems operated by professional organizations. The monitoring systems enable the professional owner to offer long-term performance guarantees in contracts with the end-users, and to control and reduce maintenance costs through improved scheduling of maintenance.
In this way, the professional owners are able to provide added value to their customers by offering additional information and proposing specific actions relevant to their business model.
Technical Solution
The energy monitoring systems are developed as dedicated Normalized Systems applications, providing the possibility for the professional owners to register equipment of the photovoltaic installation, such as meters and inverters, into the central monitoring system.
From then onwards, the monitoring system will poll the installation on a regular basis, retrieve the various energy production parameters, and store it in a central database. All configuration and production data of the installations can be accessed using a standard graphical user interface, but are also available through a service interface for user portals and CRM systems of the professional operator.
Implemented in about ten processing flows, the monitoring system offers additional functionality to aggregate and forward energy production data, to send commands and forward alarms, to perform efficiency computations, and to detect extremely photovoltaic installations with low or even zero production.
The NS framework provides a stable platform while interfacing with thousands of heterogeneous devices.
— Kris Clottemans – Developer
Customer Value
Normalized Systems technology provided the necessary technological flexibility to realize this innovative product in a truly agile and scalable way. In a first phase where the market took off quite slow, the product was developed using an extremely small team and budget.
However, as the market started to grow, the system was able to scale easily to 10.000 photovoltaic installations. Moreover, the thorough decoupling of data and computation flows enabled the continuous development to support additional types of meters and rectifiers, and to improve productivity computations over time.
Our customers have reliable and scalable access to data for their end-users without worrying about all the variations and complexities of the hardware equipment.
— Peter Van der Stock – Project Manager
Normalized Systems eXploration
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