
Development environment for Normalized Systems

(IWT project 140503 from 01/06/2014 until 31/8/2015)

By building an integrated development environment for Normalized Systems, NSX wants to create productivity gains while developing large-scale software applications for administrative as well as industrial purposes. The current NS tools demand too much presence of NS developers with thorough knowledge of the NS theory, tools, and implications.

This new development street will facilitate to increase drastically the number of developments as well as developers with limited knowledge of NS. This development environment, with code name Prime Radiant, will include a state-of-the-art graphical user interface, but will most of all unlock fundamental advantages of Normalized Systems Software for larger amounts of developers: the unique manageability throughout the software structure, the unprecedented evolvability of different dimensions.

The possibilities of such a development environment based on Normalized Systems Theory and evolvability are one of a kind.

The creation of an integrated development environment for the management of normalized systems has 2 global goals:

  • Manageability and transparency: the environment creates a unique integrated vision on the different abstraction layers of a normalized information systems, going from applications, stakeholders, and functional requirements, to logical models and attributes of software components and elements and to the size and characteristics of individual source code classes and extensions.
    Flexibility & evolvability: the environment offers a unique structuring of the diverse dimensions of variability in evolvable information systems, going from model versions of applications and elements over the used frameworks and infrastructure to the structured versions and source code of generated elements and added extensions.
  • Starting from this integrated view on the different abstraction levels and the dimensions of the software variability, a developer needs to be able to execute the most common actions in a graphical manner during the development of NS software.

This means the input and management of the metamodel of the application, including components and elements, the execution of code generation of expansion of the NS elements, including the collection and injections of sourcecode extensions, and to the compiling, building, deployment, and start of the software applications.

This development environment does not want to copy the functionality of a classic interactive development environment of IDE (Interactive Development Environment), like Eclipse. It is not about the technical aspects of coding, but about the management of the integrated structure for controlling and evolvability of software. This graphical interface receives the codename “Prime Radiant”, in analogy with the foundation Series of Isaac Asimov.

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